Dear Heartfelt Friends,
We believe in you and we trust you. With you, who brought LÖSEV to where it is today, we will be hope for many more of our children and their families. REMEMBER, each of our children who have regained their health is YOUR WORK. It is our duty to keep hundreds of newly diagnosed children with leukemia to keep alive.
In this direction,
You can support the promotion of LÖSEV.
• You can inform your relatives about our foundation, tell about our work and encourage them to become a volunteer member of LÖSEV.
• You can share our documents which we will send to your address with your environment.
• We regularly send newsletters, announcements and calls for help to our volunteer members. Even if you can't answer these calls, you can forward them to your relatives and make sure that you reach the people we can't reach.
You can distribute our brochures and hang our posters around you.

• Our flyers and posters are printed on our special days and busy periods. You can support the distribution of these documents to places where you can reach them. Documents can be sent to you from the foundation center wherever you are in Turkey.
You can be our volunteer representative who will support our work in the province where you live.

•LÖSEV based in Ankara but also has branches in Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, Eskişehir, Adana and Kayseri. However, there are children with leukemia and philanthropists that we communicate with all over Turkey. In order to reach these people, we carry out various activities, organizations and promotional activities. You can support these studies in the province where you live.
By selling LSV Shop products, you can raise funds for our children's treatments.

• You can support the sale of our LSV Shop Products in your environment, in your social area, LSH Shop Products are designed by our childs mothers who have beaten leukemia.
You can become the LÖSEV Representative of your institution.

• You can represent LÖSEV in the institution you work for, provide communication between your institution and our public relations department and act as an intermediary. You can introduce our foundation by visiting your institution's management and help them get to know our foundation by helping us organize meetings or conferences for its employees.
• You can help us to open stands where our children with leukemia and young people who have overcome leukemia will sell their handcrafts in the institution where you work, so that we can support the treatment of our children free of charge.
• You can support your employees by selling LÖSEV products.
You can make your primary school or high school our sister school.

• Our Sister School Project, we organize various activities with schools and we can get their support in our organizations.
• During the Leukemia Children's Week on November 2–8, you can direct your school administration or your teachers to open stands where the mothers of our children with leukemia and the handicrafts and stationery materials of our youth who have overcome leukemia will be sold, and you can take part as a LÖSEV volunteer at the stands opened.
• You can participate in our National or International Organizations with your social activities, and you can join us as our sister school.
• Our high school volunteers can fill their social responsibility hours by working at our foundation.
• They can support our product packaging and labeling works in our LSV Shops.
You can take part in our work related to your university.

• You can provide communication with the communities at your university and organize our meeting meetings for them.
• You can help us organize events, conferences, etc. to be attended by authorized persons from LÖSEV within your university.
• You can support the LÖSEV promotion and product sales stands for Spring term, New Year's Eve etc. that will be opened in your school during the semesters, regarding the permissions to be taken and as a stand attendant.
• You can help us meet the academicians in your school, and have them support our foundation as LÖSEV volunteers.
• You can increase the number of LÖSEV volunteers at your university and become the group leader to organize various activities with these volunteers.
You can support children with leukemia as a volunteer teacher at our school.

• We support the education of our children with leukemia through our volunteer teachers at our School for Children with Leukemia and our Istanbul Home for Children with Leukemia. Our members, who take part in our educations which take place every Saturday, are expected to participate in our trainings for a period of time.
• Our introductory and information meetings with our education volunteers and teacher selections are held at the beginning of the semester, and our volunteer members are reached in line with our teacher needs.
You can provide translation support.

• You can provide support for the translation texts needed by our International Relations Department.
• We welcome children with leukemia and their mothers from all over the world in our country during the International Week of Children with Leukemia, which we celebrate in the last week of every May. In this special week, we may need translation support from our volunteer members, who can communicate with our guest children and their mothers, who are studying in the foreign language departments of their schools or who have graduated.
You can prepare the aid boxes we send to our children.

• We regularly prepare clothing-food-goods aids for thousands of children with leukemia and cancer all over Turkey and send them by cargo. By joining this event, you can prepare the aid packages for our children with your own hands.
You can take part in our sales and promotion stands.

• In big shopping centers, we open stands where the mothers of our children with leukemia and the handicrafts of our young people who have overcome leukemia are sold. By taking part in these stands, you can contribute to the free treatment of our children and promote our foundation.

• You can support the promotion of our foundation by taking part in our stands that we opened at central points and where our documents are distributed in busy days.
You can package our documents like magazine-brochure etc.

• Lösev Yaşam magazines and bulletins are published every 3 months. The magazine is sent free of charge to thousands of children with leukemia, our volunteers and donors. You can support us by coming to our foundation between 09.00-18.00 for the packaging and labeling of the magazines. When our magazines are published, our volunteer members are informed by e-mail.
You can donate first and second hand goods.
During the pandemic period, unfortunately we can only accept your durable consumer goods and electronic products such as refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, irons, young room furniture, sofas, armchairs, bicycles, play stations, computers.
How to Send?
Second hand aids must be delivered directly to the foundation.
Electrical appliances and white goods must be in working order and clean.
Furniture donations are collected from the donor and transferred directly to the family. For this reason, it would be appropriate to make a phone call with our Foundation in order to identify the family that needs the furniture.
Our social services department’s officers will visit you to check the functionality of the goods. For this reason, we will call you to request for an appointment.
If our officers find the furnitures suitable for the needs of families they will take them.
We need support for transportation of furnitures.
We have a request
For aids which send outside of Ankara, the transportation or cargo costs must be covered by the sender. Otherwise we can not accept the aids.
You can support our organizations.
You can provide vehicle and transportation support.

• You can provide transportation support for city visits and organizations.