Don't you want to give a hand to life and leave a mark in the lives of our children with leukemia?
You can carry out this project, which we carry out with the participation of all sensitive people from all over Turkey, who love LÖSEV and adopt and embrace children with Leukemia as their own children and siblings, at your school, workplace, hobby clubs, neighborhood, even in your garden with your neighbors and friends.
With Give A Hand to Life project, we not only offer our current volunteers the chance to touch the lives of our children with leukemia, but we also say "Welcome to the LÖSEV family" to our volunteers who join us.
How will you be involved in this project that is carried out all over Turkey?
With materials we can easily obtain, we will leave colorful handprints on a white fabric for our children with our friend groups whenever and wherever we want. Everyone will sign by writing their name under their own handprint. At the same time, he will join the LÖSEV family with this work. At the end of the project, we will combine these fabrics filled with colorful handprints that we received from thousands of our volunteers and walk for our Children with Leukemia with all our heartfelt friends who give a hand to life. Our dear friends who will not be able to participate in the walk will also support us to make our voices heard on their behalf by sending us the colorful hand-printed fabrics they have prepared. When we complete the walk, we will deliver this fabric, which was created as a memory, to our LÖSANTE Hospital to be exhibited.
The materials Required;
- White American Cloth (Fabric) (2x3m)
- Chipboard or cardboard (2x3m) for the floor (Can also be a hard floor)
- Plastic plate and spoon (for mixing paints)
- Colored finger paints
- Fabric pen (to leave a mark by putting your name, surname and signature under the hand prints)
To realize the project, you can contact us on 0312 447 06 60 or write us on our whatsapp line 0549 760 10 10.
If you want to realize the project, LÖSEV images and posters will be sent to you. During the event, you can share these images and your colorful photographs with us (with the hashtags #SenDeGönüllüOl #YaşamaELVer on our losev1998 corporate websites on Instagram-Twitter-Facebook pages).
What could be more valuable than a child's smile?
Let’s come and be our volunteer and give a hand to life! Because we are a HUGE FAMILY.
NOTE: Our project will be implemented every year until June, after which all the fabrics sent to us will be combined and a big walk will be held with the volunteers of that year.